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BK Authors Gift Exchange

Learn more about our new online service exchange accessible by all members of BK Authors Inc.

What is the BK Authors Gift Exchange?

The BK Authors Gift Exchange has been established to help BK Authors and friends while raising additional money for scholarships to the Marketing Workshop and Retreat as well as possibly additional funds to financially support Authors or to fund BK Authors Inc.’s other initiatives. The BK Authors Gift Exchange is based on the principles of a “Gift Economy”.

What is a Gift Economy?

A Gift Economy is a mode of exchange where valuables are not traded or sold, but rather given without an explicit agreement for immediate or future rewards. In a gift economy, the exchange of goods and services is based on reciprocity and a desire to benefit the community as a whole without relying on “market” or other incentives to generate value.

How will the Gift Exchange work?

Authors and friends of BK would donate their services and authors who needed those services would sign up to receive them, donating back (either in money or in services) whatever they wanted to offer. The money received would initially be used by BK Authors Inc. for scholarships to the Marketing Workshop and the Retreat, but if scaled successfully could be used for other BK Author initiatives.

Please COMPLETE THIS FORM if you would like to provide a service to be available to the community on the BK Authors Gift Exchange.

Current Offers

Click on any of the authors below if you are interested in receiving their services through the Gift Exchange.

Stewart Levine

Service Offered:

  • Package 1: Consultation / coaching about a significant conflict in your life.
  • Package 2: Complimentary admission to my Collaboration and Conflict Resolution

Pete Neuwirth

Service Offered:

  • Package 1: Holistic Financial Wellness Diagnostic
  • Package 2: 1 hour Personal Financial Consulting

Mark Hurwich

Service Offered:

  • 2 Hour Core Intention Session using play and whimsy.

John Kador

Service Offered:

  • Package 1: Book Proposal Review
  • Package 2: Book Proposal Polishing
  • Package 3: Book Proposal Fine Tuning

Terrence Metz

Service Offered:

  • Scholarship to four-day certified, online facilitation training.

Sharon Rowe

Service Offered:

  • Help with building a consumer goods business, designed to spark conversations & shift culture, as a “tiny” but mighty brand (ECOBAGS) keeping family first.

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