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What They Don’t Teach You In Presentation Skills Workshops

We’ve all sat through various presentation skills programs that teach basic information to those who want to become good trainers and speakers. The problem is, most audiences have seen plenty of good trainers and speakers. Quite frankly, there’s way too much riding on these presentations, and good is often not good enough. The presentations you deliver need to inform, inspire, motivate, entertain, and be . . . unforgettable.

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We’ve all sat through various presentation skills programs that teach basic information to those who want to become good trainers and speakers.  The problem is, most audiences have seen plenty of good trainers and speakers.  Quite frankly, there’s way too much riding on these presentations, and good is often not good enough.  The presentations you deliver need to inform, inspire, motivate, entertain, and be… unforgettable.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to nail the first three to five minutes of your presentation using a repeatable, predictable process that can be used to professionally set up any presentation.
  • How to not just engage, but involve the audience with multiple probing techniques and tricks of the trade used by professional speakers.
  • How to “stick your landing” and finish a presentation like a professional.
  • The six most common mistakes made by speakers, how to avoid them, and how to move an audience to action.
  • How to maximize book sales at speaking engagements.
  • How to create professional materials to support your deliveries.

To allow for maximum impact, a participant guide will be included documenting the presentation along with job aids and worksheets that can be used once the presentation has been completed.

Presenter Rob Jolles

Rob Jolles

A sought-after speaker and bestselling author, Rob Jolles has spent over forty years traveling over 2.5 million miles in the air teaching, entertaining, and inspiring audiences worldwide.  His keynotes and workshops have taken him around the world, including companies in North America, Europe, Africa, and the Far East.

His programs have allowed him to amass a client list that reads like a Who’s Who of Fortune 500 companies, including Toyota, GE, Microsoft, Disney, NASA, Lilly, Bristol Myers Squibb, Northrop Grumman, a dozen universities, and over 50 financial institutions.

Rob is also the host of over 300 Pocket Sized Pep Talks, a podcast he launched over three years ago that is now currently in the top 2% of downloads nationally.  He lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.