Speak Like A Pro!
In this workshop we’ll focus on professional delivery tips including opening and closing powerfully, sustaining interest techniques, tricks of the trade, pricing, participant materials, and more.

Key Objectives
- Learn a repeatable, predictable technique to open every seminar you deliver.
- Learn over twenty ways to keep people interested in your presentation.
- Learn how to move from selling a handful of books to hundreds of books in your presentation.
Session Duration: 50mins
Event Type: workshop
Presenter Rob Jolles (2021)

Some of you know him as an auctioneer, but Rob Jolles is also the author of six books, two with BK, and has spent close to 40 years as a professional speaker teaching, entertaining, and inspiring audiences worldwide. He has traveled over 2.5 million miles promoting his books and delivering workshops all over the world. His bestselling book, How to Run Seminars & Workshops, now in its 4th edition, has been translated into over a dozen languages and has maintained its spot on the bookshelves for 29 years. He teaches his “How to Speak Like a Pro!” program to businesses, bureaus, and the Writer’s Center in Bethesda, Maryland. He is a licensed coach.
More information can be found at http://www.jolles.com