Saving Face by Maya Hu-Chan
Book Club Discussion
The Book
We have all heard the concept of “saving face,” but what does it mean? Face represents one’s self-esteem, self-worth, identity, reputation, status, pride, and dignity.
Saving face is often understood as saving someone from embarrassment, but it’s also about developing an understanding of the background and motivations of others to discover the unique facets we all possess. Without that understanding, we risk causing others to lose face without even knowing it. Building authentic and lasting human relations may be the most important calling for leaders in this century. Maya Hu-Chan writes that the concept of saving face can help any leader preserve dignity and create more empathetic cross-cultural relationships.
Presenter Maya Hu-Chan
Maya Hu-Chan is a speaker, author, leadership consultant, and coach. She specializes in global leadership, cross-cultural management, and diversity and inclusion. Maya is a popular keynote speaker and workshop facilitator.
Besides Saving Face, Maya wrote Global Leadership: The Next Generation, which Harvard Business School selected as their Working Knowledge book. She is a columnist for
Prior to her consulting career, Maya was an anchor for the China Broadcasting Company in Taiwan. Born in Taiwan, Maya earned her M.A. from the University of Pennsylvania, and B.A. from National Chengchi University in Taiwan. She lives in San Diego, California, with her husband and their triplets. She enjoys yoga, hiking, and traveling.